Monday, January 23, 2012

Live Healthy America

The 100 day challenge for Live Healthy America started today.  I started working out again over the weekend and currently every cell in my body is screaming in agony.  By every cell, I mean every single one.  My hair follicles on my head are sore, coughing and laughing hurt, and rolling over to shut the alarm clock off this morning was a challenge all it's own.  Day two soreness is always the worst, so I'm hoping the worst is behind me.  I've been reminding myself for the past 48 hours that I have no one but myself to blame for the pain. 

After I stopped playing ball in college I viewed exercise in an entirely different light.  It wasn't always a positive light.  No tall guy with a military buzz cut yelling at me to run translated into I'll do it when I feel like it.....which wasn't a lot.  I also need to be doing something while working out.  I get bored really easily.  Running bores me, playing racquetball...excitement!  So I need to channel my exercise into things I enjoy.  Two a days not so much, intra mural sports...yes please. 

The 100 day challenge has us checking in every week.  We track our weight loss and total minutes of activity each week.  The program is well structured which I love and we have a great scale at work to use which is convenient. There are competitions for best team name, most over all weight loss, most activity etc. About 20 or so peeps are participating at work so there is comfort in numbers.  I'll try update periodically.  I believe registration is open for a bit longer.  Its not too late to join the challenge.

Follow the link here for more information.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The little Green Frog and odds and ends

So....I finally got around to checking into the cute little green frog on the Caribou Coffee bag.  Pretty cool stuff.  As a side note, I remember some peeps complaining that we weren't getting a Starbucks.  I didn't really care either way.  I only order tea or hot chocolate.  I stand firm in my belief that coffee stunted my growth.  Anyhoo, check out the cool video and information here.  To summarize, I think these guys are pretty sweet and I'm really happy its not the other guy.  Greenwashing doesn't appear to be occurring there. 

Anyone else super excited for 2012?  I'm still going strong in my lifestyle changes.  Well, except for the cold showers.  I did NOT sprout chest hair, I'm just a total wimp.  Way too cold for that here in Nebraska.  The first full month I started timing my showers and not running the water the entire time I shaved off almost $40 off my water bill.  And that was in August while I was still watering my lawn.  Pretty shocking and eye opening.  Once the weather heats up again I will be resuming this practice. 

I increased my walking around town as I live pretty close to many amenities and stores.  From the end of June to mid October I lost a little over 25 pounds.  I was under an immense amount of stress which I think contributed to my weight loss, but I can't deny that some of my changes also played a part.  I'm only driving my car to work and not the gas guzzler.  New job is not bus route friendly which is a bummer. I've also cut down on a lot of needless driving by consciously thinking about combining trips or taking a quick walk to the store instead of driving. Still can't bring myself to part with the guzzler, the thing straight up dominates in the snow.  Recycling glass is a bit of a pain in the butt.  I will save that for another post, but for the record I'm not happy the city doesn't pick up glass. 

I'm still bumbling my way through some Spanish classes.  I think my pronunciation has improved but I'm still slower than molasses when it comes to conversation.  Although, I was barely there for my last class I still think it helped. Baby steps, baby steps. I met up with one of my former instructors last weekend and paired up with three native Spanish speakers and practiced for close to an hour.  Great experience and practice.  It was weird to hear them talk of their frustrations in learning English and then thinking holy crap that's exactly how I feel with Spanish. One gal was telling me how she gets so frustrated because she feels like she understand a lot but is so slow to put together an answer or a sentence.  Literally, I wanted to hug her.  We have the same problem with a different language.  A definite bonding  moment and I hope to meet with them again.

I talked with my host family in December and it made me miss them and want to run back to Costa Rica all over again.  Talking in Spanish over the phone was definitely much harder than in person.  I can't pantomime or play charades when I can't think of the word.  All in all it went pretty good though.  I had a helluva time figuring out why she didn't want me to call her cell.  I finally figured out that she accidentally took it into the ocean and it's not working.  So definitely call the house not the cell.  Check.

January 23rd marks the start of a 100 day healthy lifestyle challenge.  I'll try to blog a few things about that next week.  My body is going to hate me for the first week.  I'm certain this will produce some colorful commentary.

¡Hasta luego!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Using recycled material

I'm not thrilled that we have these bags, but at least we use recycled material.  I hope everyone is having a great Friday.  I'm off and tidying up the house and getting my x-mas stuff up. Finally.  I've got the holiday pops channel on XM rocking.  Hank and I have been "waltzing" around the house to the nutcracker waltz and other classics.  Well, I waltz/dance/sing and he barks and runs around me.  Ellie is otherwise occupied stalking squirrels out back. 

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Check it out!

Quick post today.  Working a half day today and thought I'd hop on here quick.  Lots of changes over the past two months.  New job and a fresh start.  It's a new dawn, it's a new day, and I'm feeling goooood.  Maybe not as good as these cuties, but really damn good. 

For your reading pleasure.  Go check it out!  Run don't walk!

Happy Thursday all!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Recycling on a road trip....

Crossed the border into Wisconsin. First rest area featured a sweet recycle station. I did my part on aluminum, plastic, and glass. Huzzah for the win!

Rather pathetic posting on my part the last couple months. Had some issues to address and have now moved on to a more tranquil state. Translation....more blogging. Lots of stuff going on to share!

Go Big Red! Pray we don't get blown out on national television tomorrow. If we do I fear my friends and family will ban me from attending away games.